Introduction to Python Programming#

  • Instructor: Linh B. Ngo

  • Office: 358 Curtis Hall

  • Email: lbn28 AT drexel DOT edu

Workshop Description#

This Workshop will introduce Python for those that have little to no programming experience and consists of two parts:

  • Part 1: A quick introduction to Python and its basic data analytic capability in processing and visualizing data.

  • Part 2: A more in-depth view into programming concepts in Python, including loops, conditions, functions, and testing and debugging.

The workshop uses materials from Software Carpentry’s Programming with Python lesson.


No prerequisites are required

Software Setup on PC (Laptop or Desktop)#

Data preparation

  • Create a directory on your Desktop called swc-python. Download the following files into the swc-python directory:

  • Go to swc-python and unzip these two files. You should see the two directories: data and code created.

Getting data for Desktops

Launch Jupyter Notebook (Step 1)

  • Launch Anaconda Navigator

    • On Windows, type Anaconda Navigator into the Search Bar and launch the app

    • On Mac, type Anaconda Navigator into the search box (magnifying glass on top right corner) and launch the app.

  • Launch JupyterLab

Launch Anaconda Navigator

Launch Jupyter Notebook (Step 2)

  • By default, Jupyter Notebook will launch inside your Document folder (Windows), or inside your home directory (MacOS).

  • You can see the Desktop directory.

  • Double-click to get into Desktop, then into swc-python. You should see the data and code directores ready.

Launch Anaconda Navigator